benefits of concrete floors infographic
While it is true that concrete has been used for flooring for thousands of years, modern technologies for dry polishing, staining, and cutting have given concrete floors a new life. Polished concrete is concrete that has been treated with special chemicals and then ground with increasingly fine grit grinders to achieve a lustrous shine. Polished concrete floors are popping up everywhere in the most stylish commercial and residential settings. Their increasing popularity can be attributed to the following characteristics:
- Economical—Concrete is generally inexpensive. A polished concrete floor can create the same look as a polished granite or marble floor for significantly less money.
- Sustainable—Existing concrete slabs that are stained, stamped, and polished create no waste and require no significant new material, making them highly eco-friendly.
- Durable—Polished and sealed concrete floors will, quite literally, last forever. They are impervious to water and oil, will not house any bacteria, and resist scratches.
- Effortless—Polished concrete floors are easy to own and maintain. Sweeping and weekly damp mopping is the extent of the care required. And, because they are polished, they will not contribute any dust to their environment.
- Stylish—Polished concrete is highly versatile. It can be stained to any color you can imagine, even to mimic expensive stones like granite or marble. It can be stamped with designs. For example, it can be stamped to look like scraped wood planks. A solid slab of polished concrete can be cut to look like individual tiles. The design possibilities for this material are endless.
- Beautiful—Polished concrete is beautiful. It has a luster and shines all its own. Its shine reflects light and will increase the ambient lighting in your space, some say up to 30%. A polished concrete floor adds depth and elegance to any space.
Cement Shine is your best source for concrete flooring solutions. They are focused on durability, good value, and timeliness. They were founded in 2006 in a Southern California garage. Their founder, Steve Williamson, had a passion for decorative concrete that drove him to become a contractor and to turn his hard work and inspiration into to his own business. His small enterprise has grown and now serves commercial, and Fortune 500 customers in the Great Houston area. Whatever your polished concrete needs, Cement Shine stands ready to help you turn your ideas into a glorious reality. Call to get started on your new floors today!